Lovak : Cheyenne's Paradise |
Cheyenne's Paradise
2015.10.09. 22:23
Cheyenne's Paradise
1st Horse in Lower Sized Horses Competition, 3rd Horse in Lower Sized Horses Competition, Halter Absolute Winner, Best Coat Colour, 7x BEST, 3x NICE, SA Winner, VERY GOOD, Nice in Okinawa, 3rd in Hello Hors Appearance "Western lovak", Participate in Little Ones Appearance, 3rd Placed in 2016 OS Appearance, Best Halter Horse, Great, 2nd Placed in Foals in Feruary Appearance, 2x GOOD, 1st Placed in American Horse Appearance, 1st Placed Halter Horse in America, 2nd Placed Foal in America, Good Butt in Dat Ass! Appearance, 2x ELITE, Elite Horse in This is My Better Half Appearance, Elite in Shandara, Best Foal in New Hope, Nice Foal in New Hope, Best Name, 4th Placed Mare in Ireland, 4th Placed in Ireland Hunter Games, 2x Best Horse in Category, 2nd Placed in F*cking Rainy Days Competition, 3rd Placed in F*cking Rainy Days Competition, Top Halter Horse in October Western Cup, Unchained's Best, Beautiful Horse
Ló neve: Cheyenne's Paradise
Neme: Kanca
Fajtája: Appaloosa
Kora: 5 éves
Törzskönyvi neve: Cheyenne's Paradise of Silver
Törzskönyvi száma: SS-1215-057-AP
Csikói: -
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Rajtengedély: van / nincs
Lóútlevél: van / nincs
Belovagolva: van / nincs
Szakág: Küllem, pleasure (english, western)
Össz. eredményei: 54 db
6 szakág, 48 küllem
¤ Western
1. hely: April Western Cup, pleasure, Patanevelde
2. hely: F*cking Rainy Days, verseny, Sacramento EC
2. hely: October Western Cup, pleasure, Golden Star Versenyközpont
2. hely: I. MRP Western, pleasure, Magical Race Park
3. hely: V. Magical Race Cup, western, Magical Race Park
3. hely: I. Lotus Grand Prix, pleasure, Lotus Horse Center
¤ Küllem
1. hely: Golden Star Opening Western Cup, Golden Star Versenyközpont
1. hely: Lower Sized Horses' Competition, a legcukibb csikó, T's Private Stable
1. hely: Halloween Appearance, tarka/egyéb színű lovak, La Morte Racecourse
1. hely: Rockstar Congress, halter, appaloosa, Rockstar Ranch *abszolút győztes
1. hely: Foal Appearance, egyéb csikók, Santa Anita Park *legyszebb szín
1. hely: Golden Star Big Appearance, csikók, Golden Star Versenyközpont
1. hely: Galaxy Appearance, Mercury, xXxHorses.
1. hely: Bye Bye 2015, csikók, Dvayne's Racecourse
1. hely: I will be popular, küllem, Magical Race Park
1. hely: Autumn Western Cup, halter - csikó, Santa Anita Park
1. hely: 2016 Opening Season Western, csikók, CLOSED.
1. hely: Be My Valentine Appearance, lóval, Prime Perfection
1. hely: AOTM American Horse Appearance, Appaloosa, CLOSED.
1. hely: AOTM America Western, halter, CLOSED.
1. hely: This is My Better Half, lóval, WorldUp Versenypark *abszolút győztes
1. hely: Winter Appearance in Shandara, csikók, Shandara
1. hely: II. Big Foal Cup, kancacsikók, New Hope Park
1. hely: Name Letters Appearance, CLOSED.
1. hely: I. Color Appearance, egyéb, Sacramento EC
1. hely: II. Color Appearance, egyéb, Sacramento EC
1. hely: IV. SantaFe Appearance Cup, egyéb, SantaFe Horse Center
1. hely: October Western Cup, halter, Golden Star Versenyközpont *abszolút győztes
1. hely: IV. Unchained Appearance, Unchained Stud & Breeding
1. hely: I. April Appearance, kancák, Patanevelde
1. hely: April Western Cup, halter, Patanevelde
2. hely: Thanksgiving Appearance, csikó, Cedar Racepark
2. hely: Utolsó Küllemverseny, csikók, Cedar Racepark
2. hely: Closed Opening Appearance, csikók, CLOSED.
2. hely: Face to Face, csikók, Dvayne's Racecourse
2. hely: Foals in February, kancacsikó, WorldUp Versenypark
2. hely: Appearance in February, csikók, Prime Perfection
2. hely: AOTM America Foal Appearance, kancacsikók, CLOSED.
2. hely: 4. Fajtakategóriás Küllemsorozat, Lópopófogó
2. hely: 6. Fajtakategóriás Küllemsorozat, Lópopófogó
2. hely: II. MRP Appearance, western lovak, Magical Race Park
3. hely: Lower Sized Horses' Competition, csikók, T's Private Stable
3. hely: XV. Patanevelde Küllemverseny, csikók, Patanevelde
3. hely: Closed Opening Western, halter csikóknak, CLOSED.
3. hely: II. New Hope Appearance, csikók, New Hope Park
3. hely: Hello Hors Appearance, western lovak, Okinawa Lovasfarm
3. hely: 2016 Opening Season Appearance, csikók, CLOSED.
3. hely: Tenyésztők Versenye, mén - csikóval, T's Private Stable
3. hely: Dat Ass! Appearance, WorldUp Versenypark
3. hely: II. Big Foal Cup, alvó/fekvő lovak, New Hope Park
3. hely: F*cking Rainy Days, verseny, Sacramento EC
4. hely: Little Ones Appearance, kancacsikók, CLOSED.
4. hely: AOTM Ireland Appearance, kancák, CLOSED.
¤ Egyéb
4. hely: AOTM Ireland Hunter Games, egyéb, CLOSED.