Great Wheels
2015.07.11. 12:10
Great Wheels
2nd Placed of The Great Grass Championships, BEST, Best Horse in Dressage Cup with Music, 3rd Placed of Sun Goes Down Cup, GREAT, 2nd Placed in Ocala Jumping, 3x GOOD, 3rd Placed in Ariat Cross Country, 6x PERFECT, 1st Placed in Nevada Dressage, 1st Placed in Nevada Jumping, 3rd Placed in 2 in 1 Competition, ELITE, 1st Placed in 2 in 1 Competition, 2nd Horse in T's PS Opening Show, Show Jumping Category, Good Dressage Horse in T's Opening Show, The Best Military Horse, 1st Placed in Hawaii Beach Jumping, 3x 1st Placed in German Horse Competition, Good Name
L neve: Great Wheels
Neme: Mn
Fajtja: Nmet sportl
Kora: 7 v
Trzsknyvi neve: Amonio Great Wheels
Trzsknyvi szma: NSP-248545
Csiki: -
Chimera |
Robin |
Derby |
Natasha |
Sundance |
Cash |
Ely |
Mellie |
Casanova |
Triton |
Cassidy |
Cinders |
Dillan |
Roxy |
Rajtengedly: van / nincs
Ltlevl: van / nincs
Belovagolva: van / nincs
Szakg: Djlovagls, Djugrats, Military
ssz. eredmnyei: 31 db
30 szakg, 1 kllem
1. hely: Dressage Cup with Music, kezd, Lizzye's & Lexi's Private Stables
1. hely: Nevada Dressage, kezd, Paradox Magnistll
1. hely: German Horse Competition, djlovagls, Paradox Magnistll
1. hely: I. October Jump, kezd, Patanevelde
2. hely: The Great Grass Championships, djlovagls - 0-20 szakgi eredmny, ponyisland.
2. hely: September Cup, djlovagls, Magical Race Park
2. hely: I. Let Me Show!, djlovagls L, Patanevelde
2. hely: UnderArmour Dressage in April, kezd, UnderArmour Versenypark
3. hely: Comeback Event, djlovagls - kezd, Diamante Lovasudvar
3. hely: 2 in 1 Competition, 1. nap - djlovagls, La Morte Racecourse
4. hely: T's PS Opening Show, djlovagls - kezd, T's Private Stable
1. hely: Nevada Jumping, kezd, Paradox Magnistll
1. hely: 2 in 1 Competition, 2. nap - djugrats, La Morte Racecourse
1. hely: Hawaii Beach Jumping, halad, Paradox Magnistll
1. hely: German Horse Competition, djugrats, Paradox Magnistll
2. hely: Ocala Jumping, kezd, Paradox Magnistll
2. hely: T's PS Opening Show, djugrats - kezd, T's Private Stable
2. hely: September Cup, djugrats, Magical Race Park
3. hely: Comeback Event, djugrats - kezd, Diamante Lovasudvar
3. hely: I. Let Me Show!, djugrats C, Patanevelde
4. hely: "I wanna go to Monaco" - jumping, halad, Dvayne's Racecourse
1. hely: Excuse Me Triatlon, Toscano Versenypark
1. hely: German Horse Competition, cross-country, Paradox Magnistll
2. hely: I. Summer Cup in 2015, military, nagyl, Patanevelde
3. hely: III. PC Special Cup, cross-country, Pata-Csata Versenypark
3. hely: Sun Goes Down Cup, Ponyisland Challenge, ponyisland.
3. hely: Ariat Cross Country, 1. futam, Paradox Magnistll
3. hely: Halloween Competition, cross-country, La Morte Racecourse
3. hely: Olympic Day, Magical Race Park
4. hely: September Cup, cross-country, Magical Race Park
2. hely: Name Letters Appearance, CLOSED.